Friday, February 18, 2011

Full moon fever - Day 17

Since it was clear and sunny yesterday, we were blessed with awesome views of the full moon last night. Unfortunately, I did not snag a photo, but it rarely happens in the winter in Portland, so it is note worthy. Today the clouds have started to come back in, but when I was ready for photos it was not actually raining, so I took some outdoor shots today. Yay! The weather gods are messing with me this week, but I am not complaining. It's been good to change it up.

Day 17
blouse - vintage Thrifted, sweater - ??, Red velvet pants - Loft, Shoes - Born

This is definitely an outfit I would've never worn before, but I like it. My two favorite colors paired together make a bold statement and this Remix challenge is helping me get used to making a statement! I was also having an excellent hair day this morning. Sometimes the feather or the flip dries just right and sometimes it doesn't. I have been trying to let it go as I grow my hair out for a while (if you look closely you'll see that I offically have a mullet!! Shhhh.). I'm hoping for a small pony tail by summer. My hair is fine and grows fast, so I might make it. What usually happens is I do not make it 'cause it begins driving me crazy and I chop it off again. Or I get there and get bored with always pulling it back in a pony/scrunchy/clip. We will see what happens this time. I have threatened to literally chop it all off, like buzz it, because I get tired of caring so much and messing with it. I may do that still some day, but not today.

Up close of the jewelry and Silpada earrings
So now I am going to rave. Give a rave review, that is! I have fallen in love with these earrings. They were a smart purchase from a Silpada party. They can be worn alone, as a small silver hoop or they came with four pairs of differing gemstone danglies. Here you see the garnet, which is my birthstone, but they also came with turquoise (Yes!), onyx and peridot. But not only are the gemstones different, the look is different too. Each gemstone set has a different cut and the amount of dangles even vary. The peridot has more of a long and slender cut to the stone, the onyx is rounder, more delicate and has only three stones. I will try to post other photos of the various danglies sometime. I promise!

Besides the landscaping guys across the street who were wondering what the heck I was doing while taking my self-portraits outside this morning, Lucky Cat was checking me out too. He is a watcher. He will follow Dan and I around as we pack for vacation or clean the house and wonder "What the heck are they doing?" I thought he was thinking that today, until he started looking at a bug. More interesting than me, I guess!

Lucky, following me around this morning ... I think he thinks I interrupted him!
Hope you all have an awesome weekend!

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