Monday, January 31, 2011

30 for 30: Almost

I have finally picked my clothing for the 30 for 30 - almost ... We'll get to that a little further on. BUT I have definitely spent some time thinking about why I want to participate in this challenge and what I hope to get out of it: Experiment & discover personal style, Accountability to blog on a regular basis, Practice opening up.

1.     Experiment & discover personal style

a)     I want this to help me figure out what I like & don’t like style/clothing-wise. What works for my body, style preferences, climate etc. This knowledge will in-turn make me a better shopper as I discover what I love and what I can live without or will never really wear.
b)     The parameters of this challenge will force me to wear some items that I love when I buy them, but often do not wear because I feel self-conscious. Can I really pull this off? So I have chosen some things that fit the bill and will be kind of forced to wear them. I plan to wear everything at least once, for sure, but most likely multiple times in multiple ways. I know I will also learn that some outfits don’t work like I thought they might, but that it is OKAY. My outfit for one day will not make or break me, but taking these small risks will make me stronger.
2.     Accountability to blog on a regular basis
a)     Although I am not promising to post every day, I will definitely be posting numerous times a week to keep up with my outfits. This will give me the impetus to develop a regular habit of posting/writing and a chance to figure out a little more how the blog world works.
3.     Practice opening up
a)     Dumping your thoughts out is very cathartic. This is something I already know from years of journaling. I also know that I need to do it more often and on a regular basis. Practice is always good for developing habits.
b)     Sharing how I feel with everyone, friends & strangers alike, builds relationships, both with people I already know and new found, online friends.

My items for the next 30 days!

So if you are good at math you might notice: 5+2+1+6+4+5+1+2+2+1= only 29! I have picked 29 of my 30 items. I was having a really hard time with coming to a final decision. I had maybe 22 or 23 items decided upon immediately and then I was kind of frozen … THIS is something I already know about myself, back there, somewhere, but do not often talk about: the fear of making final decisions! The 30 for 30 is very benign, really, but this often translates to other area of my life. Yikes! Decisions! I often fret about making a decision and then fret about it after I have made the decision. I am much improved from how I was in college (and younger), but it is something that is obviously still there. I have picked 29 of the 30 items. Since I signed up for 30 days of self-love in January lasting through Valentine’s Day, I decided to allow myself the leeway of choosing my last item by Friday, February 4th. Please feel free to suggest an item that you think is needed or would work with what I’ve picked already. I am open to suggestions. :)


  1. My dahling....I admire your creativity and willingness to partake in this challenge. I am super excited to see the results. I think that perhaps you may have too many black shoes, and this is coming from someone who wears all black all the time! I know you have super cute shoes and I dare you to get rid of the pair in the top left of the picture for some more of your brightly colored ones?!?!?!
    Good thing you love me so you don't growl when you read this - ha ha ha!!!

  2. This is going to be a fun challenge. Lots of great picks by everyone, including you, and each of our styles are so different. Good luck!
